Manokotak Man Arrested after Threatening Tribal Police During Domestic Violence Response

  Tribal police contacted Alaska State Troopers at 5:40 pm on Saturday evening and reported that they had left a Manokotak residence after a response after they were threatened by a suspect at that address. Manokotak TPOs had responded after a call-out to a domestic disturbance and arrived at the scene to find that 33-year-old […]

Manokotak Man Escapes Trooper’s Grasp

Manokotak Man Escapes Trooper’s Grasp

A 28-year-old Manokotak man wanted on warrants duped troopers and escaped while being arrested on Sunday, it was reported. According to the trooper report, troopers made contact with John Etuckmeira of Manokotak to serve two outstanding arrest warrants on Sunday morning, including Failure to Remand and Felony Importation of Alcohol. During the arrest proceedings, Etuckmeira […]

Details Revealed on Feb 6th Manokotak Teen Snow Machine Fatality

Details Revealed on Feb 6th Manokotak Teen Snow Machine Fatality

On Thursday, AST released details on the death of Manokotak teen, Kylen Moore, who perished in a snow machine accident earlier this month. According to the trooper dispatch, at 7:35 pm on February 6th, they were informed of a snow machine crash that occurred when the 15-year-old teen and another were returning from a trapping trip. […]