CAPITOL HILL — The House Intelligence Committee will probe Russian interference into the U.S. election in public for the first time during a hearing March 20, committee chair Representative Devin Nunes announced Tuesday. Among those invited to give public testimony are James Comey, the current director of the FBI who has been at the center of […]
WHITE HOUSE — U.S. Attorney General Jeff Sessions has recused himself from any federal investigation of alleged Russian meddling in the 2016 presidential election. Sessions met with reporters Thursday after The Washington Post reported that as a U.S. senator and member of the Trump campaign, Sessions held two pre-election meetings with Russian Ambassador Sergey Kislyak but […]
As President Donald Trump prepared for his first address to the U.S. Congress, the White House on Sunday sought to fend off the latest calls for an independent probe of Russian efforts to impact last year’s U.S. election and any ties between Moscow and the president’s inner circle. “We are extremely confident that, whatever review, […]
U.S. President Donald Trump, on Wednesday called for a voter fraud investigation in November’s presidential election, because he believes that millions of undocumented immigrants, people registered to vote in two states, and dead people, took to the polls and cost him a victory in the national popular vote. Trump announced his intentions for the probe Tuesday […]