Juneau, Alaska – The Alaska Legislature Wednesday voted to add their voice to local opposition to an East Coast special interest group’s attempt to turn a vast area of the Bering Sea and North Pacific into a national marine sanctuary. The Senate unanimously passed Bush Caucus Chair Bryce Edgmon’s House Joint Resolution 7, which lays […]
Even while opening up areas of the Atlantic in areas that included off-shore Virginia, North and South Carolina and Georgia, to off-shore drilling for oil, President Obama revealed his plan to to propose 9.8 million acres off-limits to to consideration for off-shore development in the Chukchi and Beaufort Seas. His announcement drew quick reaction and […]
Public comment is being sought through June 3, 2015, on a Coast Guard port access route study aimed at reducing maritime casualties and increasing efficiency of commercial vessel traffic movement, as vessel traffic increases in Alaska. Coast Guard officials in Juneau said Dec. 8 that they are seeking comments from as many different waterway users […]
Anchorage – On Monday, Rep. Les Gara (D-Anchorage) filed detailed public comments showing the Nuna oilfield will receive significant, and possibly excessive, tax breaks under little-known provisions in S.B. 21. The Parnell Administration, in its waning two weeks, proposed a roughly $40 million reduction in the royalties Nuna’s current owner, Caelus Energy, would owe Alaskans. The Parnell […]