Alaska State Troopers report that a team of divers have located and recovered. the remains of the of the 79-year-old Haines man, Thomas McGuire, from Chilkat Lake on Friday. McGuire was reported missing on February 6th at around 4:00 PM. after he failed to return from ice skating on Chilkoot Lake where he had gone […]
Implements Regional Land Study, Helps Realize Benefits Promised Under ANCSA Washington, DC – U.S. Senators Lisa Murkowski and Dan Sullivan (both R-AK) and U.S. Representative Mary Sattler Peltola (D-AK) introduced the Chugach Alaska Land Exchange and Oil Spill Recovery Act to direct a land exchange between the federal government and Chugach Alaska Corporation (Chugach). This exchange would resolve […]
ANCHORAGE, Alaska. – A Disaster Recovery Center opened on April 8th in Wrangell to assist residents who were affected by the November 20th landslides. The Center is a temporary facility established to help survivors navigate through the assistance programs available to them. Location: The Nolan Center […]
JUNEAU, Alaska – The Coast Guard and partner agencies responded to an overturned vessel near Chichagof Island, Tuesday evening, and recovered three survivors and located two deceased individuals. An MH-60 Jayhawk helicopter air crew from Air Station Sitka launched to respond arrived on scene at 5:15 p.m., and recovered the three people from the water at 5:50 […]