Washington, D.C. – U.S. Senator Lisa Murkowski (R-AK) recently introduced S.Res.251, recognizing 2019 as the International Year of the Salmon. The resolution aims to serve as a framework for collaboration across the Northern Hemisphere to recover and sustain salmon stocks through research, cooperation, and public action. The resolution was cosponsored by Senators Dan Sullivan […]
Adult sockeye salmon returning to spawn in the lakes of Bristol Bay, Alaska.Jason Ching/University of Washington An ample buffet of freshwater food, brought on by climate change, is altering the life history of one of the world’s most important salmon species. Sockeye salmon in Alaska’s Bristol Bay region are skipping an entire year […]
Washington, D.C. – Tuesday, Alaska Congressman Don Young and Congressman Jared Huffman (D-CA), Co-Chairs of the Wild Salmon Caucus, introduced a House Resolution to recognize and honor the International Year of the Salmon (IYS). IYS is a collaboration between multiple Northern Hemisphere countries, including the United States and Canada. 2019 is the focal year […]
Photo: A spawning sockeye salmon.Jason Ching/University of Washington Chemical signatures imprinted on tiny stones that form inside the ears of fish show that two of Alaska’s most productive salmon populations, and the fisheries they support, depend on the entire watershed. Sockeye and Chinook salmon born in the Nushagak River and its network of streams and […]