Chapter Thirteen of “Where the Salmon Run” written by Trova Heffernan and sponsored by Washington Secretary of State Sam Reed. Chapter Fourteen | The Negotiator The Negotiator The 1980s found the United States and Canada in an icy cold war over salmon. Rivals seethed at the thought of compromise. Billy played the role of consensus builder with […]
WASHINGTON, DC — Senator Lisa Murkowski today received a memorable birthday present: Senate Appropriations Committee approval of her amendment requiring that genetically-engineered salmon be labeled if the Food and Drug Administration makes the “wrong-headed” decision to approve it. After Murkowski’s lengthy defense and explanation of the need for her amendment and the risks posed […]
Signaling the beginning of the bar-b-q season, the first salmon from the Copper River arrived in Seattle on Friday morning and first off the Alaska Air Cargo jet was a 48-pound King brought off the plane by Alaska Airline captain David Boshell and the aircraft’s first officer Melissa Van Dyke. The King Salmon got the […]