August marked the end of a summer-long Community Engaged Undergraduate Internship in Petersburg with intern Avery Herrman-Sakamoto and local Alaska Sea Grant agent Sunny Rice. The two worked together for 10 weeks researching, developing materials, and planning for a harvest camp for adults new to harvesting plants and animals in Southeast Alaska. Avery, a recent high school […]
WASHINGTON—Over the past two decades, the Arctic has lost about one-third of its winter sea ice volume, largely due to a decline in sea ice that persists over several years, called multiyear ice, according to a new study. The study also found sea ice is likely thinner than previous estimates. Seasonal sea ice, which melts completely each […]
Alaska Sea Grant is working with Washington Sea Grant and Hawaiʻi Sea Grant to foster collaboration among researchers, students, and diverse stakeholders to advance sustainable Indigenous aquaculture practices. This Cross-Pacific Regional Collaborative Hub for Indigenous Aquaculture aims to catalyze regional partnerships to strengthen community access to customary practices and enhance seafood production across the Pacific […]
Keeping track of ocean health is critical for understanding climate change, weather patterns, and the health of important fisheries. But how do NOAA and partner scientists gather data on such a vast environment? One big way is with buoys, ocean observing platforms that help scientists monitor the global ocean — including in remote, hard-to-reach areas. […]