The Norton Sound winter commercial crab fish is on hold for lack of buyers, and an area fishery group is calling for the closure of the fishery for 2020 for conservation purposes. The board of the Norton Sound Economic Development Corp. (NSEDC) on Monday, Feb. 10, urged the Alaska Department of Fish and Game […]
The 2019 Bristol Bay red king crab fishery has wrapped up with quota of 3,797,000 pounds. Numbers show an average catch per unit effort (CPUE) of 15.6 crab in a pot. The 7.14 pounds average weight per crab is the highest dating back to 1973. That high average weight is a concern, according to Ethan […]
The 2020 Bristol Bay sockeye salmon forecast, issued on Nov. 8, anticipates a total run of 48.95 million fish, which would allow for a potential harvest of 34.56 million. Those figures are higher than this past season 26.11 million fish forecast but lower than the actual 44.5 million harvest. Should the 2020 run come in […]
This year’s robust wild Alaskan salmon 206.9 million fish harvest has an estimated preliminary ex-vessel value of $647.6 million. Statisticians at the Alaska Department of Fish and Game (ADF&G) calculated the totals, which amount to a 10 percent increase over the 2018’s value of $595.2 million. Average prices for Chinook, sockeye, coho, pink and chum […]