[dropcap]A[/dropcap] quick comparison of two great rivers in America: One, the Wabash, runs 503 miles through Indiana, flowing past 4 million people on its journey to the Ohio River. The other, the Innoko, slugs its way 500 miles through low hills and muskeg bogs in west-central Alaska to reach the Yukon. About 80 people live […]
The mushers were gone, and so were the 640 dogs that pulled them out of town. A few days earlier, the volunteers who gave life to Iditarod had climbed into their single-engine planes and lifted off the ice, carrying their noise along with them. Iditarod City was now quiet, except for the whoosh of […]
[dropcap]A[/dropcap]niak-based AST and the State Fire Marshals are investigating a fatal fire incident in the community of Shageluk that occurred on Thursday morning just after midnight after responding to that community. Fairbanks AST received a report of the fire with a possible fatality at 12:28 am on Thursday. Later in the day, an Aniak-based […]
Bethel Search and Rescue is currently in Shageluk coordinating volunteer efforts in the search for 18-year-old Alfred Hamilton, who was reported missing on Thursday. It was at 9:42 am that Shageluk resident Kelly Workman “notified Aniak based Alaska State Troopers that her fiancé John Hamilton Sr.’s son” had been missing since around midnight on Wednesday […]