In an unusual event caught on the dash cam of a Kalamazoo, Michigan police vehicle, police officer Jason Gates saved the life of a woman choking during a traffic stop. Officer Gates pulled over an SUV after seeing it run a red light in Kalamazoo on Saturday. When he got out and approached the vehicle, […]
Alaska State Troopers based in Kodiak pulled over a 1991 Nissan Sentra for a traffic violation near the intersection of Carroll Way and Spruce Cape Road on Thursday at 7:31 am. The stop and contact with the driver, 23-year-old Michelle Poulos, would determine that Poulos was driving with a revoked license. Poulos was also on […]
At 11:43 pm on Friday night, Alaska State Troopers conducted a routine traffic stop on a gray 1997 Jeep Cherokee for numerous equipment violations trooper dispatch reported this morning. Once stopped and contacted, troopers would find that the driver of the vehicle, 22-year-old Justin Sims, did not have a valid driver’s license. A further investigation […]