The United Nations and the Organization for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons, a global chemical weapons watchdog group, have finished up their confidential report on the use of chemical weapons by the government of Syria as well as the Islamic State in 2014-2015. The UN and OPCW have concluded in their year-long investigation, that both […]
VIENNA—The five-year-old war in Syria was the focus of diplomats Tuesday in Vienna where the 17-nation International Syria Support Group (ISSG) met to discuss stalled political talks, difficulties in maintaining a cease-fire deal and uneven U.N. results in delivering humanitarian aid. The cease-fire, which went into effect at the end of February, brought a dramatic […]
SEOUL—North Korea’s defiant and accelerated efforts to develop an advanced nuclear arsenal have not been deterred, so far, by the tough new United Nations sanctions imposed in March. The latest infraction of U.N. resolutions banning Pyongyang’s nuclear and ballistic missile programs occurred Thursday, when the North attempted another intermediate range ballistic missile launch. But the […]
SEOUL—The United States, Japan and South Korea held senior level diplomatic talks Tuesday to discuss joint measures that could be taken if North Korea continues to defy the United Nations Security Council resolution banning its nuclear and ballistic missile development. The trilateral meeting in Seoul among U.S. Deputy Secretary of State Tony Blinken, South Korean […]