This Day in Alaska History-November 21, 1900

Alaska Village Initiatives (AVI) recently received a $28,000 grant from the First Nations Development Institute (FNDI) of Longmont, Colorado. This award will support the efforts of AVI’s The Amazing Ag-in-a-Box Traveling Classroom. AVI’s President/CEO Charles Parker noted that the First Nations grant “expands our ability to work with our villages to create food security and […]
Area is ancient homeland of the Kwaashk’iḵwáan clan (Oral Tradition on Humpback Creek) (Archaeological Interpretation) Sealaska Heritage Institute (SHI), Sealaska Corporation and the Yakutat Tlingit Tribe are calling on Yakutat’s Native village corporation to stop logging an area that is a known and important cultural and historic site, until an assessment can be conducted and mitigation […]
Alaska State Troopers report that a Napaskiak man was arrested for DUI for operating a watercraft while intoxicated over the weekend after a witness reported the situation to a tribal police officer in that community. The witness who saw the man, identified as 48-year-old Lawrence W. Evan aboard a watercraft aimlessly circling and so […]