The thawing and erosion of Arctic permafrost coasts has dramatically increased in the past years and the sea is now consuming more than 20 meters of land per year at some locations. The earth masses removed in this process increasingly blur the shallow water areas and release nutrients and pollutants. Yet, the consequences of these […]
North Dakota Governor Jack Dalrymple has ordered thousands of Native Americans and environmental activists to evacuate federal property near an oil pipeline project they are trying to stop, Citing hazards caused by a blizzard, Dalrymple order the mandatory “emergency evacuation.” The order, issued Monday, comes after the federal government managers of the property, the U.S. […]
WASHINGTON, DC – In response to a letter that Senator Lisa Murkowski, Senator Dan Sullivan, and Congressman Don Young (all R-AK) wrote to Secretary of State John Kerry last month, the State Department told the Alaska Congressional Delegation in a letter that it will remain in close contact with concerned Alaskans and are committed to […]
Astronomers using ESO telescopes and other facilities have found clear evidence of a planet orbiting the closest star to Earth, Proxima Centauri. The long-sought world, designated Proxima b, orbits its cool red parent star every 11 days and has a temperature suitable for liquid water to exist on its surface. This rocky world is a […]