ANCHORAGE, Alaska — Members of government, private, and not-for-profit organizations involved in or concerned about pollution preparedness and response in the Arctic and Western Alaska are encouraged to attend the next meeting for the Arctic and Western Alaska Area Committee Tuesday at the Atwood Conference Center in Anchorage. The public is also invited to […]
(ANCHORAGE, Alaska; Aug. 27, 2019) – Crowley Fuels has signed construction contracts to build a 55,000-barrel, articulated tug-barge (ATB) that is specifically designed to serve the Western Alaska market with delivery of clean fuel products. The 410-foot ATB will have enhanced performance features for the demanding river and sea conditions of Western Alaska, an […]
(Kotzebue) — After more than a decade of decline, Alaska’s largest caribou herd is showing signs of growth. Counts of the Western Arctic caribou herd completed recently from aerial photographs taken during last summer’s photo census tallied 239,055 animals, raising the total herd estimate to 259,000. That’s up from 201,000 caribou a year ago. Alaska […]
[cycloneslider id=”aleutian-sea-lions”] Hover over image to pause slideshow. Endangered Steller sea lions in the western Aleutian Islands continued to decline in abundance in 2016 by nearly seven percent. The latest report was released today and shows a concerning trend in abundance for Steller sea lions living in the western Aleutians. The species is made up of […]