[dropcap]N[/dropcap]EWPORT, Ore. – Blue whales reach their massive size by relying on their exceptional memories to find historically productive feeding sites rather than responding in real time to emerging prey patches, a new study concludes. Researchers examining records of both whale migration and oceanic conditions in the California Current Ecosystem found that blue whales almost perfectly […]
Members of NOAA’s North Pacific Large Whale Entanglement Response Team are thankful for Wednesday’s freeing of an entangled humpback whale in Sarkar Cove, north of Naukati on Prince of Wales Island, Alaska. NOAA received word of the possibly life-threatening entanglement on Tuesday, November 20. Dr. Fred Sharpe, an experienced member of the team and research […]
Scientists have used detailed high-resolution satellite images provided by Maxar Technologies’ DigitalGlobe, to detect, count and describe four different species of whales. Reported this week in the journal Marine Mammal Science, this study is a big step towards developing a cost-effective method to study whales in remote and inaccessible places, that will help scientists to monitor […]
An NOAA-led team of marine mammal responders was able to free an entangled humpback whale early Saturday evening in Unalaska Bay, near Dutch Harbor, Alaska. The whale was first reported entangled on Monday, October 15. The whale had a tight wrap of line through the mouth and across its blowholes, as well as line and […]