Qaugyaq – Sand Asut qaugyanek canamataallriit. – They used to make pots out of sand. Sand is a fine, granular material that forms as rocks break down into small particles. This slow process, caused by erosion and weathering, can take thousands of years. The color of sand deposits reflects the stone from which they originate. […]
Filipiinaq – Filipino Filipiinat taitaallriit kiagmi pekcaturluteng kaanaRimen. – The Filipino people used to come in the summer to work in the canneries. People of Filipino heritage have been part of Alaska history for over two hundred and thirty years. The first record of a Filipino person in Alaska is from 1788, when a man […]
Kumitgarpak – Shrimp Kumitgarpat piturnirtaartut. – Shrimp are tasty. There are five species of shrimp in Gulf of Alaska waters—including coonstripe, sidestripe, humpy, northern, and spot varieties. The Alaska spot prawn (Pandalus platyceros) is the largest and a popular addition to dinner tables. These tasty invertebrates are found from northern British Columbia to the eastern […]
Slate — Ipegyaq Ulukat ipegyanek canamataallriit cuumi. – Ulu knives used to be made out of slate. Slate is one of the most common types of stone in the Kodiak region. This widely distributed sedimentary rock is part of the Kodiak Formation, a set of rocks the makes up the center of the Kodiak […]