llicarluni/lliigaaluni—Gesture, Sign Language Aigateng aturtaaqait llicarluteng.—They used to use their hands, gesturing (to talk). The worlds cultures have devised numerous, ingenious, ways to exchange information. Beyond the spoken and written word, societies use movement, expressions, pictures, and many forms of artwork for intentional communication. Gesturing is a particularly common form of non-verbal speech. People in […]
Kaugya’aq—Fox Kaugya’arsurlinuk.—Let’s (two of us) go fox hunting. Kodiak is home to several varieties of fox (Vulpes vulpes). Coastal habitats support both red-furred animals as well as their darker cousins the silver and cross fox. Foxes are one of the region’s six indigenous land mammals, present in the archipelago for thousands of years. They occur […]
Imanga’iyutaq–Bailer Imanga’iyutaq aturu!—Use the bailer! Whether you are piloting a seiner, running a skiff, or paddling a canoe, water is bound to get into your boat. Waves, rain, the wake of other vessels, or pulling struggling fish on board can create puddles in the bottom of even the most sea worthy watercraft. Today’s boaters solve […]