Tennessee Eight-Year-Old Dead after Refusing to Show Next Door Neighbor Puppy

An eight-year-old Tennesse girl is dead from a shotgun blast for not letting her neighbor see her puppy on Saturday. Image-Family photo via GoFundMe
An eight-year-old Tennesse girl is dead from a shotgun blast for not letting her neighbor see her puppy on Saturday. Image-Family photo via GoFundMe

In a shocking killing, a young, eight-year-old girl was shot to death by an 11-year-old boy in the community of White Pine, outside of Knoxville, Tennessee, on Saturday night over a puppy.

The young girl, Makayla Dyer was playing in her neighborhood near her house on Saturday evening, when a conversation started between the girl and the 11-year-old boy, who lived next door, through his open bedroom window.

A friend of the girl reported to police that the boy asked Makayla if he could see her puppy, to which she laughed and said “No.” The young girl turned away with her friend and said, “Let’s go get the …” Makayla never finished her sentence, she had already been shot with a single shot 12 gauge shotgun from the bedroom window.

Police arrived at the Robin Road crime scene at approximately 7:30 pm and the young girl was taken to the Morristown-Hamblen Hospital, where the second-grader was declared deceased.

The fifth-grade boy had used his father’s 12 gauge shotgun to kill the young girl. He has been charged with First Degree Murder in Juvenile Court. It is currently unknown if the case will be transferred to Adult Court.

The Sheriff’s department refused to release the boy’s name, but the trailer park manager, Chasity Arwood, identified the biy as Benny Tiller. She said that the boy had pointed the weapon at her son’s window, and at Makayla’s friend, before shooting Makayla.

Reports say that the boy had been accused of bullying the young girl in the past.

A GoFundMe page has been set up to help the family with a memorial for the young girl. 

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“We are raising money for (Maykayla’s) memorial. An eight year old girl taken home way to early due to gun violence,” the GoFundMe page says. “She is my cousin and her family needs the money for her memorial services. We appreciate all your support. Please pray for her mother.”

A piece of cardboard now covers the broken bedroom window of the boy’s rusty trailer.

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