The “Find iPhone” app led troopers to a phone thief in Koddiak on Sunday, and two phones were recovered and returned to owners, the trooper dispatch reported on Wednesday.
At 2:49 pm, troopers in Kodiak were notified of a stolen phone from an employee of Island Air. The employee was able to use an iPhone app to locate the stolen phone, which showed it was in the Shelikof Street area near the processing plants at the town’s waterfront.
Troopers responded to the area to continue their investigation. The app led troopers right to 30-year-old Daniel Silook, of Anchorage. The $400 stolen phone was recovered by troopers just over an hour after the theft was reported.
Troopers would find during their contact with Silook, that he was in possession of an additional stolen iPhone 6, that had been taken from an employee of Ocean Beauty Seafoods.
Both phones were returned to their rightful owners.
Silook was issued to citations for Theft III.[xyz-ihs snippet=”Adsense-responsive”]