(Kodiak, AK) – Monday, a Kodiak jury found Hilarion Soriano Jr., 43, guilty of one count of Sexual Abuse of a Minor in the Second Degree. The jury deliberated for a day and a half after a two-week trial. The conviction stemmed from an incident that occurred in Kodiak around 2017, when Soriano engaged in sexual […]
*Newspapers would report five sailors instead of the actual number of six for months. They also reported never hearing from the sailors again. This also would be untrue as the sailors would find their way into Cook Inlet in March, 1910.
KODIAK, Alaska — The crew of Coast Guard Cutter John Witherspoon (WPC 1158) arrived at the cutter’s new homeport in Kodiak, Tuesday. The cutter is scheduled to be commissioned during a ceremony in April. The Witherspoon is the first of three Fast Response Cutters (FRCs) scheduled to be homeported at Coast Guard Base Kodiak and is […]
ANCHORAGE, Alaska – A federal grand jury in Alaska returned an indictment last week charging three Kodiak residents with drug trafficking crimes in Alaska, including distributing fentanyl which resulted in a fatal overdose. According to court documents, between February 2022 and July 2023, Ashley Katelnikoff, 37 and Gerry Pugal, 37, allegedly conspired together to distribute […]