Trump Calls for Major Voter Fraud Probe

Trump is maintaining that illegals, "two-stater," and dead people caused him to lose the popular vote, and has ordered an investigation.
Trump is maintaining that illegals, “two-staters,” and dead people caused him to lose the popular vote, and has ordered an investigation.


U.S. President Donald Trump, on Wednesday called for a voter fraud investigation in November’s presidential election, because he believes that millions of undocumented immigrants, people registered to vote in two states, and dead people, took to the polls and cost him a victory in the national popular vote.

Trump announced his intentions for the probe Tuesday morning on Twitter:

On Tuesday, White House spokesman Sean Spicer reiterated to reporters the debunked claim that 3 to 5 million immigrants illegally voted for his opponent, Democrat Hillary Clinton, one day after the new president rehashed the election at a reception for congressional leaders .

“It’s a belief he maintains,” Spicer said. Spicer offered no evidence of fraud. Pressed by reporters on what evidence Trump has, Spicer said Trump “has believed that for a while, based on studies and information he has.”

In a legal filing, Trump’s own attorneys previously filed a response to Jill Stein’s demand for a recount in the Michigan vote after the elections in November, saying, “On what basis does Stein seek to disenfranchise Michigan citizens? None really, save for speculation, all available evidence suggests that the 2016 general election was not tainted by fraud or mistake.”[xyz-ihs snippet=”Adsense-responsive”]Yet, since the National Park Service re-tweeted imagery of Obama’s 2009 inauguration crowd next to Trump’s inauguration crowd, Trump’s fixation that voter fraud caused him to lose the popular vote, has erupted anew. He quickly struck at the NPS, ordering the temporary shutting down of their Twitter account. When that account once again went live, the tweet that had offended Trump had been removed.

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