At approximately 9 pm on Wednesday reports of an active shooter came in to the Bethel-based State Troopers. The caller reported that a Tuluksak man was armed with a 20 gauge shotgun and had shot several people.
Trooper dispatch states that 20-year-old Gerald Lamont had initially shot a family member in the face with a 20 gauge shotgun loaded with bird-shot. After shooting the family member, Lamont proceeded to walk through town with the shotgun.
A short time later, it was reported that Lamont shot the tribal police officer in the back with the weapon. After that, the shooter also shot another person in the head area.
As he continued through the small community, Lamont took shots at other community members but did not hit them.
Troopers responded to Tuluksak and contacted Lamont. At contact, Lemont was still armed with the shotgun, but dropped the weapon and ran once he saw the troopers.
Troopers would search for Lamont and find him approximately an hour later. When re-contacted, Lamont gave up without incident.
Troopers say that despite being shot, the three victims reported no serious injuries, and all the victims declined medical attention.
Lamont was transported to the Yukon-Kuskokwim Correctional Center in Bethel and remanded there without bail on charges of Attempted Murder, Assault III and Misconduct Involving Weapons II.