An alarm set off at a storage facility on Fattic Drive at 3:21 am on Sunday morning resulted in two men arrested and jailed, troopers reported via trooper dispatch on Sunday morning.
- Troopers responded to the early morning alarm at the storage facility and located three suspects at the scene.
Two of the suspects were identified as 42-year-old Big Lake resident Shane Steinbacher and 29-year-old Wasilla resident Christopher Wakaliuk. Both men were the subjects of outstanding arrest warrants and also were found to be in possession of methamphetamine.
Steinbacher and Wakaliuk were transported to Palmer, where they were remanded. Wakaliuk was held without bail while Steinbacher had his bail set at $6,000 and a court-approved third party custodian. [xyz-ihs snippet=”Adsense-responsive”]