Two “Fight Squad” Members Sentenced for 2017 Home Invasion/Shootout


At the end of last week, U.S. Attorney Bryan Schroder with the Department of Justice announced that two Anchorage men affiliated with the “Fight Squad” gang were sentenced to ten years each after they pleaded guilty to being felons in possession of firearms in an April 2017 Wasilla incident.

According to the DoJ release, 24-year-old Manee Mulifai and 24-year-old Matthew “Money” Adrian Colding were sentenced by Chief U.S. District Judge Timothy Burgess in connection with a home invasion/shootout at a Wasilla home on April 21st of 2017.

It was then, the reports states, that Alaska State Troopers received a report of shots fired at that location. When AST responded and conducted an investigation, they interviewed the three occupants in the home to find that a woman unknown to the occupants, only identified as B.W., J. H., and F.A., came to the door “asking for help with a broken down car.” Then Colding also came to the door and kicked it in while wielding a handgun asking for his “shit” and his money.

Colding pistol-whipped B.H. and ordered J.H. to sit down or be killed, DoJ revealed. The third person, F.A. ran from the home but was chased down and caught.

It was then that the robbery turned into a shootout as gunfire erupted between Mulifai, Colding and B.W. Colding was shot several times in the incident and Mulifai fired several shots through a window at the residence before fleeing the scene.

Now down, Colding crawled to a planter in an effort to dispose of his firearm. That firearm was recovered by authorities.

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Stolen in the incident was a safe, with an undisclosed amount of money, and two firearms. Those firearms would be recovered five days later when Mulifai visited his probation officer.

During the shootout investigators determined that Colding fired four rounds, Mulifai fired 10 rounds, and B.W. fired 10 rounds.

Both Mulifai and Colding were prohibited as felons from possessing firearms. Mulifai for a felony conviction of Burglary II and Colding for a prior conviction of Conspiracy to Commit Robbery I.

Alaska State Troopers, the FBI, and ATF conducted the investigation that resulted in the duo’s conviction and sentencing.