The Alaska State Troopers report in the trooper dispatch that on Tuesday, January 8th at about 8 pm in the evening an attack on the VPSO took place in New Stuyahok.
It is reported that the VPSO of New Stuyahok was outside his residence in the community chopping wood for a steam bath when a man ran by his house hollaring for help. The VPSO observed that the man was being chased by 25-year-old New Stuyahok resident Demitris Askoak. When the VPSO asked what was going on, Askoak turned on the VPSO and tackled him in his yard.
A brief scuffle ensued before the VPSO could escape to his house to call for help. He called the village police officer for assistance while Askoak was pounding on his front door while yelling and screaming, according to the dispatch.
After gaining no satisfaction from pounding and yelling at the VPSO’s door, Askoak walked back out into the front yard of the house and removed all of his clothing and then commenced to attack the VPSO’s car. The VPSO re-engaged the now naked Askoak who was standing in the street. Residents of the community were now outside the VPSO’s home as well, and they were telling the naked Askoak to put back on his clothes.
It was shortly thereafter that the village police officer arrived at the scene and both the VPSO and the officer attempted to bring Askoak under control and place him under arrest. Askoak continued to struggle against the two men as they worked to subdue him, and at one point poked the police officer in the eye. During the struggle, Askoak defecated and before too long all three of the men had fecal matter on them as they continued to struggle for control.
But, eventually, the police officer and the VPSO got the upper hand and took Askoak under control and placed him under arrest.
Askoak was charged with Assault IV on a Police Officer x2, Resisting Arrest, Disorderly Conduct x2, Harrassment I, and Indecent Exposure II.
Askoak was remanded to the Public Safety Office in New Stuyahok pending arraignment.