WASHINGTON-As Iowans gather at the polls today to vote on their choice of nominee to the 2012 Presidential election, President Obama is working to slowly re-invigorate the supporters who placed him in the nation's highest elected seat in 2008.
The Obama team has laid out a plan with several possible paths to secure victory in the election this year.
One path laid out is the securing of the Southwest portion of the nation with its Hispanic vote. Although he has seen a drop in approval of the Hispanic population, his rating with them is still very high, and overwhelmingly, they support him over any Republican hopefuls. One of the reasons for this is the legal challenge that has been mounted in opposition to the Arizona law that allows local cops to act as immigration agents. As he moves to secure this area, his supporters have already canvassed that region with over 500,000 phone calls reaching for support.
Another path to victory would be the securing of Florida for the Democratic push, as well as North Carolina and Virginia. North Carolina and Virginia, while fairly conservative, backed Obama’s 2008 bid.
Look for Obama to ramp up his tone on the middle class and the have-nots this election. He has on his side the overly obstructionist attitude that the republicans have displayed since he took the president’s seat. In a recent speech, he said, “This is a make-or-break moment for the middle class and all those who are fighting to get into the middle class.”
Obama still has the state of the economy to contend with. All of his plans can come to naught if he cannot sell the American population on the notion that the economy is beginning to turn around and that conditions on Wall Street and the job market have improved.
While he may have difficulties convincing America that the economy is on the rebound, he has on his side an incredible war chest. Obama’s campaign has already topped the highest Republican cash stockpiles and exceeds $100 million. It is expected that as the election cycle ramps up, he will collect as much as $1 billion for his drive to the re-election.
Obama has thus far relied on free media coverage, social networks and online videos all the while stockpiling his election cash. He has a following of 24 million on Facebook alone. This will change as we draw closer to elections. We can expect a very large ramp-up of pro Obama ads in the coming months as we draw closer to the election date.