The Alaska Fallen Firefighter Memorial Committee, the Alaska State Firefighters Association, and the Alaska Fire Chiefs Association in conjunction with Fire Agencies from across Alaska will be hosting a ceremony on Wednesday, September 11, 2020 at the Alaska Fallen Firefighter Memorial. This ceremony is conducted in remembrance of those Alaska Firefighters and Emergency Responders who have died in the line of duty. This is also the 19th anniversary of the September 11th attack.
During the Ceremony Roger DeLongchamp, a firefighter from Willow Fire Department will be included and remembered on the Memorial. Firefighter DeLongchamp died this past January during a fire response in Willow. Members of his family and his department will be included in the Ceremony.
Regrettably, due to the concerns for large gatherings, this year’s Memorial Ceremony will be limited to personnel conducting the ceremony and limited number of the family, friends and coworkers of Firefighter DeLongchamp. To ensure the public can view the ceremony this year the Alaska Fallen Firefighter Committee will be broadcasting the ceremony on the Municipality of Anchorage TV Channel (GCI channel #9), and via Facebook live on the Alaska Fallen Firefighter Memorial Facebook page. The committee invites everyone to participate via one of these two mediums. We ask that members of the media attend via the Facebook live stream or GCI Channel #9.
At the end of the service a special bell ceremony will “ring home” those firefighters in Alaska that have been killed in the line of duty.
Date/Time of Ceremony: Friday, September 11, 2020. 2:00 pm, afternoon
Broadcast On
a. Facebook Live — Alaska Fallen Firefighter Memorial
b. Municipality of Anchorage, Channel 9 – Time and Date to be announced
For additional info and questions regarding the ceremony please contact Mark Barker for the Alaska Fallen Firefighter Memorial. Contact at mbarker@gci.net and/or 907-242-3660.