Anchorage Man Jailed on Drug/Weapons Charges and Warrants

On October 1st, swing-shift officers opened an investigation and requested and received a search warrant to a residence on the 4400-block of Juneau Street after receiving tips from two callers reporting drug activity taking place there.

APD officers learned from the callers that the suspect, identified as Bruce A. Bishop was dealing meth and heroin at that address.

Officers responded to the residence later that evening to serve the warrant, and found one person at the home and found Bishop absent. The warrant was served and evidence, including drugs and weapons were seized as evidence.

Two of the weapons seized, a revolver, was found to have been reported stolen from a garage during an August 19th burglary on Shore Drive, and a rifle, that was found to have been stolen from a vehicle while it was parked at a hotel on Tudor Road on September 19th.

As officers were finishing their warrant service, a blus Dodge Neon pulled into the parking lot, but upon spotting the patrol cars, quickly backed out and sped away. An officer attempted a traffic stop at International and Old Seward, but when the vehicle sped through a red light, pursuit was terminated.

On October 7th, another warrant, this one a felony warrant, was issued on charges of Misconduct Involving a Weapon II, Misconduct Involving a Weapon III, Misconduct Involving a Controlled Substance II, Theft II, and Eluding.

It would be antother week before police received additional information on the suspect. At 8:56 pm, on October 14, APD received a call stating that Bishop was staying at a hotel on Spenard Road. A search warrant was issued for the hotel room and police responded to the hotel.

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After knocking several times and announcing themselves to no response, police elected to make entry, but as they were initiating, Bishop opened the door then laid down on the floor. He was taken into custody and remanded to the Anchorage Jail on the two warrants.

Bishop was arraigned on Wednesday and his bail set at $5,000 and a personal electronic monitor. Records show he is still in custody as of Thursday evening.