(Anchorage) — The Alaska Board of Game will meet in Anchorage on November 9–17, at the Lakefront Hotel located at 4800 Spenard Road. The board will hold a one-day work session November 9 followed by an eight-day regulatory meeting to address changes to statewide provisions related to hunting and trapping.
All portions of the meetings are open to the public. Live-stream audio is scheduled to be available on the board website at www.boardofgame.adfg.alaska.gov. Other meeting materials, including the agendas and roadmap order of proposals, a list of staff reports, and public and agency comments on proposals can be viewed online at www.adfg.alaska.gov/index.cfm?adfg=gameboard.meetinginfo.
Topics scheduled for the November 9 work session include setting the 2018–2019 schedule and meeting locations; informational reports, letters, policies, and other administrative and miscellaneous items.
Topics of proposed regulatory changes to be considered at the November 10–17 regulatory meeting include: Unlawful methods for taking game and furbearers; provisions for the possession, transportation, and use of game; hunting permits and harvest tickets; permit hunt conditions and procedures; falconry; cultural and subsistence uses; hunter education; intensive management; permits for possessing live game; and other miscellaneous topics.
Proposals to be considered by the board have been received from the public, local fish-and-game advisory committees, the Department of Fish and Game, and other agencies. The public is encouraged to review the proposal topics available on the board’s website at: www.adfg.alaska.gov/index.cfm?adfg=gameboard.meetinginfo&date=11-10-2017&meeting=anchorage.
The board invites oral public testimony for the regulatory meeting only, beginning Friday, November 10, following oral reports. Anyone wishing to testify before the board must sign up at the meeting location before 10:30 a.m. Saturday, November 11. Public testimony will continue until all who have signed up have received the opportunity to be heard. Deliberations on proposals will begin following public testimony and continue through the remainder of the meeting.[xyz-ihs snippet=”Adsense-responsive”]Documents submitted to the board during the meeting will be posted online throughout the meeting. Written public comments from individuals or groups may be submitted in person at any time during the meeting; written comments must not exceed 10 single-sided pages, and 20 copies must be provided. Individuals who cannot attend the meeting may submit comments via fax to (907) 465-6094.
Source: ADF&G