Now as quiet as wind whispering through grass, a plateau rising from the flats of northern Alaska was for thousands of years a lookout for ancient Alaskans. Those people later vanished, perhaps moving on to populate the Americas. A scientist is using what little they left behind to find out more about those hunters of […]
More than a century ago, eight prospectors were panning the glacial sands near Hubbard Glacier when the Earth starting shaking and never seemed to stop. A few days later, they had survived a natural phenomenon they probably should not have. Geologists Ralph Tarr and Lawrence Martin, in the area a few years later to study […]
NOGAHABARA DUNES — Karin Bodony has walked us to a sandy bowl, a place she has perhaps visited more than any other living person. Karin is a biologist with the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service who lives in the village of Galena, 70 air miles south and east of here. Today, she has led three […]
NOGAHABARA DUNES — From a molded seat of sand dug into the western rim of a 5-mile oval of desert, I’m looking out over a sea of tan waves. Spruce spears stick up here and there through the sand. On this windy and cool day 35 difficult miles west of the closest village — Huslia […]