NEW ORLEANS — At this gathering of thousands of scientists at a horseshoe bend in the lower Mississippi River, a few talked about a place far away they have been watching for years. “The Arctic shows no sign of returning to the reliably frozen state it was a decade ago,” said Jeremy Mathis, an oceanographer […]
The Arctic is warming twice as fast as anywhere else on Earth, which is already affecting the nearly 4 million people living in the region, the fish and wildlife they depend on for food, and their environment. The changes have ramifications far beyond the Arctic to global economies, weather, climate, sea levels, trade and national […]
GENEVA — The World Meteorological Organization reports 2017 is on track to be among the three hottest years on record, just behind the two preceding years. While 2017 may only emerge as the third warmest year on record, scientists predict it will beat out the competition for warmest year without a warming El Nino. These record setting years […]
In the scientific world of high-tech research and data modeling, it’s easy for a scientist to get caught up in the details of science. However, University of Alaska Fairbanks research assistant professor Andrew Mahoney is on a team dedicated to taking a step back and thinking about science through a broader lens. The project, Ikaaġvik […]