Sea Lettuce-Alutiiq Word of the Week-January 6th

Kapuustaq—Sea lettuce Kapuustat aturtaarait naucestarwigmi.—They use kelp (sea lettuce) in the garden. The sea lettuce found in the Kodiak Archipelago…
Kapuustaq—Sea lettuce Kapuustat aturtaarait naucestarwigmi.—They use kelp (sea lettuce) in the garden. The sea lettuce found in the Kodiak Archipelago…
Qalnga’aq—Raven Qalnga’at tamarmeng teglertaartut.—All ravens steal. The common raven (Corvus corax) is a year-round resident of Alaska that lives…
Akarngasqangcuk— Dot Akarngasqangcugmek pilirluku.—Mark a dot. Small, round carved or painted dots are a common motif in Alutiiq graphic design.…
Uquq—Oil Una uquq asirtuq.—This oil is good. Today, many people limit the amount of fat in their diet, but in…
Agnguarluni—Dance Agnguart’skuk!—Let’s dance! Dancing was a favorite activity at Alutiiq winter festivals. Moving to the rhythmic beat of skin drums,…
StRausiq(N); StRuusiq (S)—Yeast StRausircunituq.—It smells like yeast. [dropcap]Y[/dropcap]east is a single-celled microorganism, a type of fungus widely present in nature.…
With a $1,000 grant from Museums Alaska the Alutiiq Museum will purchase an original watercolor painting by Alutiiq artist Cheryl…
Wainiik—Steam Bath Switch Taaringa wainiimek.—Switch me with the steam batch switch. Switching is a common practice in Alutiiq steam baths.…
Katurluni—Gather Katurtut.—They are gathered. Winter is the Alutiiq social season. Each year as the land freezes and darkness creeps across…
Tuyuq—Chief Tuyuq ap’sgu.—Ask the chief. Classical Alutiiq society had three social classes: wealthy people, commoners, and slaves. Social positions were…