Joseph Picklo, age 29 of Dallas, Pennsylvania, told authorities that he he had "fooled around" with the fireworks and other materials and forgot he had them in his backpack when he attempted to board the flight.
Injunction Lawsuits have been filed in five cities by the United States to shut the doors of Instant Tax Service (ITS) as well as five owners of ITS franchises, the Justice Department announced yesterday.
It was announced yesterday that a Federal Grand Jury handed down a 10 count superceding indictment charging 10 male and 6 females from Ohio for federal crimes in religiously motivated assaults on the Amish in that state.
A little over an hour after Pres. Obama gave a speech in the Rose Garden challenging Congress to repeal billions of dollars in tax breaks for "Big Oil," the Senate went against his wishes and voted down legislation authored by Sen. Robert Menendez (D-NJ) that would've done just that.