In April I challenged the Parnell administration to explain to the public the steps it has taken to fix Alaska’s Medicaid reimbursement system. (“Alaska Needs to Fix its Medicaid repayment mess” April 22, 2014 Alaska Dispatch). This system compensates health care providers (i.e., hospitals, clinics, physicians, therapists, etc.) for the services they provide to the […]
OMAHA BEACH, NORMANDY, FRANCE — U.S. President Barack Obama and other world leaders paid tribute to World War II veterans at a ceremony marking the 70th anniversary of the D-Day invasion that led to the defeat of Nazi Germany. In a speech at Omaha Beach on the coast of Normandy, France, Obama hailed the troops who […]
As demonstrated by 12 bribery-related federal indictments and ten bribery-related convictions, we Alaskans live in a very corrupt state. Between February 2008 and August 2010, 12 Anchorage Daily News headline stories pointed out that Veco owner Bill Allen, the man who bribed so many of Alaska’s legislators, had also been investigated by the Anchorage Police Department for alleged sexual activities with […]
Yesterday, former Governor Sarah Palin made her return to Alaska politics on the Bob and Mark Show, coming out strongly in defense of the oil tax system she helped to create, Alaska’s Clear and Equitable Share. ACES was designed to provide Alaskans with a fair share of the state’s oil wealth, after a decade in […]