The young Akiachak boy who was struck by an ATV in that village on Sunday night, succumbed to his injuries at an Anchorage hospital on Christmas Eve the trooper dispatch reports. Young 6-year-old Zaret Wassillie of Akiachak was “laying down on a built up ATV trail in the dark,” when he was hit by 18-year-old […]
It was reported that an early afternoon roll-over occurred in the village of Aniak on Sunday, where the driver and her passenger suffered injuries. An investigation into the incident would lead to the arrest of others involved in an altercation prior to the accident. According to the Alaska State Troopers, 25-year-old Jasmin Simeon was traveling […]
The search is continuing for the last two of a three-person group traveling to Akiak from their original starting point of Bethel, but that search has gone without further results. Alaska State Troopers believe that it is very likely that the two missing travelers , 27-year-old Sally Stone and 26-year-old George Evan, both of Akiak, were […]
A 71-year-old Scammon Bay man was reported overdue on Tuesday after he had gone out from the village to check his Black Fish traps. The community’s VPSO reported the missing fisherman to the troopers at 9:15 pm that evening. It was reported that Daniel Tunutmoak Sr had set out on his snow machine to set […]