After noticing several suspicious inconsistencies regarding a Craigslist posting, a concerned citizen alerted Alaska State Troopers of the Craigslist advertisement of an outboard for sale on Tuesday. Troopers opened an investigation into the posting and it was determined that the outboard, valued at $4,000, was one that was stolen in Ketchikan in mid-October of 2021. […]
JOINT BASE ELMENDORF-RICHARDSON, Alaska — Alaska Air National Guardsmen of the 176th Wing rescued a pregnant woman in distress Dec. 27 at Kipnuk about 100 miles southwest of Bethel. Alaska Air National Guard Senior Master Sgt. Evan Budd, Alaska Rescue Coordination Center superintendent, said officials of the Yukon-Kuskokwim Delta Regional Hospital requested assistance when a pregnant […]
(Bethel, AK) – A Bethel grand jury this week indicted Jon Cochrane, 51, of Bethel on one count of Sexual Assault in the First Degree, one count of Attempted Sexual Assault in the First Degree and three counts of Sexual Assault in the Second Degree. Cochrane was also charged with Assault in the Fourth Degree. The […]
DILLINGHAM, AK – Bristol Bay Tribes celebrated the news that the Environmental Protection Agency has set a timeline for considering permanent protections for the region. The agency announced the timeline for resuming its process to review potential Clean Water Act 404(c) protections for Bristol Bay, with a deadline of May 31, 2022. “Our Tribes look forward […]