The developers for the controversial Pebble Mine at the headwaters of Bristol Bay have now encountered another barrier to development of a copper and gold mine in that location.
(ANCHORAGE, Alaska) – The Alaska State Troopers will be out conducting extra traffic enforcement efforts to ensure the safety of Alaskans while they celebrate the Thanksgiving Holiday. While patrols will be somewhat focused on DUI enforcement, troopers will also be watching for speeding, aggressive driving, distracted driving and people not wearing their seatbelts.
Alaska's Governor Parnell wrote a letter urging the commander of the Pacific Air Forces, General Herbert Carlisle, to conduct an open and thorough assessment before taking action with regards to an Environmental Impact Statement review.
(SITKA, Alaska) – Eighteen new law enforcement officers from five different state and municipal agencies graduated from the Department of Public Safety Training Academy in Sitka Friday. A graduation ceremony at the Sheet'Ka Kwaan Na'Kaa Hidi Building in Sitka ended the Alaska Law Enforcement Training (ALET) Session No. 12-02.