JUNEAU — The Department of Labor and Workforce Development (DOLWD) and the Alaska Safety Alliance (ASA) announce the release of a new workforce plan, Alaska’s Workforce Future. A collaborative effort, and driven by feedback from industry representatives, job seekers and others, this cross-industry plan charts a course forward for Alaska’s public and private sectors to take a proactive approach to address Alaska’s workforce challenges. Alaska’s Workforce Future provides goals and strategies for Alaska’s industries to improve outcomes that will impact Alaska’s workforce for the future.
“Alaska is a land of opportunity,” said Gov. Mike Dunleavy. “Anyone who wants to have a rewarding career can find it in Alaska. As the public and private sector work together through Alaska’s Workforce Future and into the future, we can build a bright future together, address our current workforce challenges, and create pathways for young Alaskans to succeed in our state.”
Alaska’s Workforce Future identifies goals, and tasks select state agencies to continue collaborative efforts to help meet the state’s workforce challenges. Outlined as goals and strategies, they include enhancing career awareness and pathways for young Alaskans to consider the many good jobs available in the state, expanding training programs and apprenticeships, retaining and attracting new Alaskans by improving access to post-secondary education, and marketing Alaska’s employment opportunities beyond Alaska. Other goals and strategies include the creation of regional workforce development teams for local projects, addressing infrastructure gaps like housing and childcare, and fostering collaboration between the Alaska Workforce Investment Board, the Alaska Workforce Alliance, and other private sector partners, to serve as coordinating organizations to implement these goals and strategies.
“Alaska’s Workforce Future is a vision for the future of Alaska’s workforce, said Catherine Muñoz, Commissioner, Department of Labor and Workforce Development. The goals, strategies, and action items outlined in the plan will improve training pathways so that Alaskans can get and maintain quality jobs in Alaska. Thank you to the Alaska Safety Alliance (ASA), ASA’s Business Education Compact members and survey responders for participating in the creation of this new workforce plan.”
Industry feedback played an important role in the creation of Alaska’s Workforce Future. The Alaska Safety Alliance’s Business Education Compact (BEC), and members of the Alaska Workforce Investment (AWIB) Board played important roles as advisors for the creation of the new workforce plan. Both groups include representatives from large and small industries, higher education, union leaders, and public sector representatives. At the AWIB meeting on February 20, members approved a resolution supporting Alaska’s Workforce Future. The resolution can be read on AWIB’s website: https://awib.alaska.gov/forms/RESOLUTION_25-01_Supporting_AK_Workforce_Future_Plan.pdf
“ASA is proud to help champion the next phase of Alaska’s Workforce Future by establishing the Alaska Workforce Alliance as a dedicated resource moving forward. Through this commitment, we are reinforcing our partnerships with the Department of Labor and Workforce Development, AWIB, industry leaders, and other stakeholders to create meaningful opportunities for Alaskans, laying the foundation for a stronger, more resilient workforce that meets the needs of our state today and in the future,” said Cari-Ann Carty, President/CEO, Alaska Safety Alliance.
Copies of Alaska’s Workforce Future can be viewed and downloaded on AWIB’s (https://awib.alaska.gov/) and ASA’s (https://www.alaskasafetyalliance.org/workforce/plan/) websites. Limited print copies will also be available.
This plan marks the beginning of ongoing efforts. DOLWD, AWIB and the Alaska Safety Alliance will continue working on an implementation plan that moves the goals and strategies into actionable initiatives that build a strong workforce and support economic development across Alaska.