Two Russian bombers, a TU-95 and a TU-142 were intercepted and escorted by twin NORAD F-22 fighters at 6 am on Friday morning spokesman for the North American Aerospace Defense Command Canadian Army Major Andrew Hennessy told CNN.
The Russian bombers crossed into the Air Defense Identification Zone 200 miles off-shore of western Alaska north of the Aleutian Islands never entering US airspace the report announced.
Nevertheless, as they have done in the past, fighter jets took to the air to shadow the bombers as they edged into ADIZ territory. The stealth fighters stayed with the bombers for approximately 40 minutes after identifying them while the Russian aircraft were in International Airspace.
While this is the first time this year that such interactions occurred off the coast of Alaska, last year Russian bombers flew into the ADIZ airspace at least five times including April 17th, April 18th, and May 3rd. During those 2017 interceptions, like now, the bombers remained in International Airspace.[xyz-ihs snippet=”Adsense-responsive”]US military and Russian aircraft have similar encounters over the Black Sea and Syria it has been reported.