F-16s and F-22s intercept Russian Military Aircraft in Alaska’s ADIZ Zone

F-16s and F-22s intercept Russian Military Aircraft in Alaska’s ADIZ Zone

The North American Aerospace Defense Command (NORAD) reports that F-16 and F-22 fighter jets accompanied by KC-135 stratotankers and E-3 AWACS intercepted six Russian aircraft comprised of TU-95 bombers, IL-78 tankers and SU-35 fighter jets as they entered the Alaska Air Defense Identification Zone on Saturday. The aircraft never entered U.S. or Canadian sovereign airspace, […]

U. S. and Canadian Fighters Intercept, Escort Russian Bombers off Alaska Coast Monday

U. S. and Canadian Fighters Intercept, Escort Russian Bombers off Alaska Coast Monday

  North America Aerospace Defense Command revealed on Tuesday that US F-22 stealth jets and Canadian CF-18 fighters intercepted Russian aircraft off the north coast of Alaska in the Beaufort Sea. The two Russian aircraft, Tu-142 marine reconnaissance assets entered and remained in the Alaskan Air Defense Identification Zone for four hours but never entered […]