Fisherman Found Deceased in Oscarville Slough

A report of an abandoned skiff  on the Kuskokwim River went in to the Bethel based troopers on Tuesday at 10:45 a,.

The skiff was discovered near the Oscarville Slough with no one aboard, but there had not been any reports of missing persons or overdue.

While troopers in Bethel worked to identify the owner of the skiff, another individual was searching for 54-year-old Napaskiak resident Nikita Petluska. That individual was alerted by Petluska’s girlfriend that Petluska had not returned from checking his fishing gear. That searcher discovered Petluska floating in Oscarville Slough.

Troopers traveled to Oscarville to investigate Petluska’s death and Petluska’s remains were sent to Anchorage for autopsy.

Troopers report that alcohol was a factor in the incident.

Next of kin was notified.