The Senate agreed today with the House on their additions to the budget and sent the budget to the Governor for his signature.
The budget was a collaborative effort between the House, Senate and the Governor. It is one of the only bills that is required to be passed by the legislature. The budget appropriates $2.94 billion for capital projects and public works.
In the Capital Budget, the Senate Bipartisan Working Group advanced its goals by appropriating an estimated $870 million for transportation, $370million to improve schools and education across the state, $210 million projects to reduce energy costs statewide, and $90 million to improve the health care in Alaskans.
The Senate also achieved its priority of ensuring savings before spending by adding four dollars to state savings for each dollar that is spent on capital projects. Since 2007, under the leadership of the Senate, Alaska’s savings have grown by over $10 billion.
Some of the projects and appropriations are listed here:
- The Kodiak Pier Replacement project-$18.1 million
- Alaska Aerospace Corporation Launch Pad-$30 million
- Port of Anchorage Expansion-$48.5 million
- Kake-Petersburg Road-$40 million
- Kotzebue-Airport and Runway Improvements-12.4 million
- U.S, Army Corps of Engineers-Arctic Ports Study-$1.5 million
- AHFC Weatherization and Home Energy Rebate Program-$51.5 mllion
- Lower Kuskokwim Energy Improvements-$5 million
- UAF Wood Biomass Energy Research-$1 million
- Cold Climate Housing research Center-$547,500
- Sitka Emergency Power Generation-$7.1 million
- Southeast Hydro Planning-$3 million
- Nome Renewable Energy Expansion-$4.06 million
Health Care
- Dena’ina Health and Wellness Center-$15 million
- Yukon-Kuskokwim Drug Treatment Center-$12.65 million
- Blood Bank of Alaska Facility-$8 million
- Norton Sound Long-Term Care Facility-$7.5 million
- Health Clinic Construction
- Copper River-$8 million
- Tanacross-$600,000
- Alaska Medicare Clinic-$750,000
- Girdwood-$400,000
- Venetie-$200,000
- Ruby-$171,000
- Allakaket-$170,000
- Nikolai Village-$170,000
- Koyokuk-$150,000
- Wales-$150,000
- Kaltag-$100,000
- UAA Engineering Building-$58.6 million
- UAF Engineering Building-$46.3 million
- SLAM-$49 million
- Public Library Matching grant-$22.3 million
- Anchorage Museum-$5 million
- Fairbanks Pipeline Training Center-$6 million
- UAF Ocean Acidifation Research-$3.45 million
- UAS Banfireld Dorm-$6.25 million
- Alaska National Broadband Network-$4 million
- Alaska Pre-K Project-$973,000
- Loussac Library-$1.825 million
The bill now goes to the Governor for his approval.