With $2490 in support from the Rasmuson Foundation, the Alutiiq Museum has purchased three skin bags made by Alutiiq artist Coral Chernoff. Each hand-sewn bag represents the exploration of Alutiiq skin sewing with Alutiiq designs with hand-processed materials.
Stitched with deer sinew, the bags are fashioned from seal and sea lion gut, with accents of salmon skin, ptarmigan feathers, and silk embroidery thread. The public is invited to meet Coral and enjoy examples of her work on April 4th from 5:00 to 7:00 pm at the Alutiiq Museum during the First Friday Art Walk.
Funding for the purchases came from the Rasmuson Foundation’s Art Acquisition Fund. Administered by Museums Alaska, a statewide professional organization, the fund supports both museums and artists by paying for the purchase of contemporary artwork. Museums may apply annually to purchase recently made works by established artists, living in Alaska.
The Alutiiq Museum and artists working in the Alutiiq tradition have benefited substantially. Since the fund’s inception in 2003, the Rasmuson Foundation has provided $112,798.50 to buy 90 works from 28 artists. This includes the works of Alfred Naumoff, Alisha Drabek & Helm Johnson, Alvin Amason, Andrew Abyo, Antoinette Walker, Arlene Skinner, Bruce Nelson, Cleo Chernoff, Coral Chernoff, Darlene Lind, Doug Inga, Gloria Selby, Helen Simeonoff, Jacqueline Madsen, June Pardue, Lalla Williams, LaRita Laktonen, Lena Amason, Melissa Abyo, Perry Eaton, Peter Lind, Jr., Peter Lind, Sr., Roberta Naumoff, Sandee Drabek, Speridon Simeonoff, Teri Rofkar, and Tracy Opheim.
The Alutiiq Museum is presently seeking proposals from established Alaskan artists to purchase additional items through the fund. Artists interested in offering works to the museum under the 2014 program are invited to submit a proposal by 5:00 pm, Monday, April 28th, 2014. Additional information and an application cover sheet can be found on the Latest News page of the museum’s website.
The Alutiiq Museum is a non-profit organization dedicated to preserving and sharing the cultural traditions of the Alutiiq, an Alaska Native tribal people. Representatives of Kodiak Alutiiq organizations govern the museum with funding from charitable contributions, memberships, grants, contracts, and sales.
Source: Alutiiq Museum