Juneau police are seeking five felony counts against a Juneau man who threw his mother from a vehicle just prior to taking police on a wild chase back and forth through the capital city on Saturday.
23-year-old Cecil Trent Yeisley dumped his mother from the vehicle on Hospital Drive, after she was seen hanging out of the car window and screaming. According to the report, they had been arguing about getting him medical assistance for mental health related illnesses on Saturday.
After tossing his mother from the car, Yeisley threw the vehicle into reverse, and drove backwards up the hill towards the hospital in excess of 50 mph.
A responding police officer observed Yeisley heading toward the valley on Egan Drive traveling in excess of 90 mph. The officer initially did not give chase out of concern that it would pose an undue hazard to other vehicles on the roadway.
Then a call came into the Juneau Police Department reporting that the suspect nearly collided head-On with a Capital City Fire and Rescue vehicle. No one was injured in that close call as the driver of the fire and rescue vehicle took evasive action.[xyz-ihs snippet=”adsense-body-ad”]Shortly after, Yeisley, by now heading back on the Glacier highway, nearly impacted another patrol vehicle head-on. That officer was able to take evasive action and successfully avoided a collision.
During the chase, Yeisley also rear-ended another police vehicle at the McNugget intersection, just before running into the civilian vehicle there.
Spike strips were deployed by an officer on Egan Drive. But, the spike strips were of little use as Yeisley swerved from the roadway into the median, successfully bypassing the obstacle, and almost running over the officer who deployed them, dragging the spike strips along with him behind the vehicle.
The chase that careened through Juneau from Hospital Drive, ended up back to where the incident began. Yeisley then exited the vehicle, fleeing on foot into the SEARHC Ethel Lund Medical Center, where he was cornered, and arrested at taser point.
Yeisley was arrested on two counts of Assault II, two counts of Assault III, and one count of Failure to Stop at the Direction of a Peace Officer.
Police that anyone that witnessed the collision at the McNugget intersection, the please contact them at 586–0600.
Watch Youtube video of Juneau car chase posted by Michael Millay.
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