DES MOINES-In a new poll out by the Des Moines Register, Newt Gingrich now stands alone as the most popular candidate in the 2012 Presidential race. He has garnered support of 25% of the likely Republican Caucus in Iowa. Ron Paul managed a respectable 18%, with Mitt Romney dropping from 22% to 15%. Michele Bachmann held on to a dismal 8%.
With the Iowa Primary election a scant month away, Gingrich’s popularity has come at a critical time for his campaign. Republicans polled also gave him high numbers for their second choice as well, he gained the approval of 43% of the respondents for first or second choice. A majority of former Cain supporters came out in favor of Gingrich as their second choice as well.
Ron Paul, while gaining approval of 18% of the likely Republican caucus attendees, only got approval of 7% as a second choice. This could very well mean that he has about reached a plateau and has reached his ceiling.
As the primary in that state draws closer, it is likely that voters will choose the man they most likely see being able to defeat President Obama however, and that choice is widely seen as Romney. In the recent National Journal’s poll, Washington insiders, both Republican and Democrat, overwhelmingly chose Romney as the man who has a better shot at beating President Obama in the general race. Those numbers stand at 83% and 86% respectively.
Newt Gingrich carries a lot of political baggage, that laundry undoubtedly will be sorted through if he gains the nomination of the Republican party. Nancy Pelosi, former Speaker of the House said to Talking Points Memo, that she served on the committee investigating Gingrich’s business dealings while he was Speaker of the House and that“One of these days we’ll have a conversation about Newt Gingrich.”