AUGUST 26-Increasingly, Americans across the country are beginning to feel that the government’s anti-poverty programs hurt more than help and they are causing more poverty in the country. This according to Rasmussen’s Reports, a major national poll taker, who released its latest poll numbers on government programs aiding poverty.
Their most recent telephone survey has found that 49% of adults in our nation believe that government programs increase poverty levels, while 20% disagree and say that the programs reduce poverty levels. 19% say that the programs have no impact whatsoever. 12% said unsure.
These numbers have been increasing since last September when only 43% thought so, and in April when that number had risen to 45%, compared to the current level of 49%. But, these numbers are remarkably different depending on which political affiliation the respondent is. 68% of Republicans polled said that government programs increased poverty levels, even as non-affiliated persons polled weighed in at 60%. While only 20% of Democrats felt that way.
According to census results last Fall, 14.3% of Americans fell below the poverty level. Most Americans don’t agree with that data however. Studies have shown that many of the people considered poverty stricken have decent homes, more than enough food as well as at least two color TVS, and other items not considered essential. 71% of people polled feel that there are too many people are overqualified and do not belong in the welfare system.
This national survey took place on August 16th and 17th, it was done by Rasmussen Reports and 1,000 people were polled for the results. The sampling error is +/- 3 percent with a 95% level of confidence.
Read more about this poll here.