We are giving away an Amazon gift card for $100 to three (3) people who fill out our survey on oral health, so be sure to give us your input by completing the survey at the link below!
We need your help! The National Indian Health Board (NIHB) is committed to bringing together stakeholders to explore solutions and develop recommendations to address oral health disparities and lack of access to oral health treatment and prevention services in Indian Country.
Diseases of the mouth and access to oral healthcare are critical issues for many American Indians and Alaska Natives. In fact, American Indians and Alaska Native children ages 2-5 years have an average of 6 decayed teeth, while the same age group in the U.S. population has only one decayed tooth. Half of Native Americans live in what are considered “dental shortage areas.” Often, oral healthcare has been so under-prioritized, that people do not know just how important oral health is to overall health.
In an effort to assess community knowledge and find effective paths forward, the NIHB is conducting an “Oral Health in Indian Country” survey. The survey will allow Tribal members, Tribal leaders and others to provide feedback on oral healthcare access and patient satisfaction in Indian Country. By telling us the state of oral healthcare in Indian Country, you are charting the course for future action. NIHB needs as much information as possible to provide an accurate picture to policymakers.
*****Please fill out this survey to help the NIHB assess Tribal leader and Tribal member knowledge of access and quality of oral healthcare issues in Tribal communities.
The survey should take no longer than 10 minutes. Responses are anonymous. If you would like to receive further information or be entered to win one of three $100 Amazon gift cards, please provide your contact information when prompted.
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