This Day in Alaska History-November 5th, 1910

NOAA Fisheries is engaged in a multi-year effort to strategically respond to climate-driven changes in the environment, maintain fishery survey operating efficiencies and modernization efforts, and mitigate shifting survey needs. We continue to balance national priorities that ensure sustainable seafood by prioritizing collection of critical survey data: against a challenging economic environment where the rising […]
Sunday’s aerial survey covered Sitka Sound from Povorotni Point to St. Lazaria Island and as far north as Hayward Strait and the Siganaka Islands. Survey conditions were mostly good with overcast skies and 20-knot winds. No herring schools were seen during the aerial survey, however, approximately 2.0 nautical miles (nmi) of herring spawn was seen […]
SEATTLE – The International Pacific Halibut Commission (IPHC) is seeking to charter longline vessels to conduct its Fishery-Independent Setline Survey (FISS) in 2021. The primary purpose of the FISS is to collect standardized data for use in the Pacific halibut stock assessment. This information collected is also used to study aspects of the Pacific halibut resource […]