WASHINGTON—U.S. Senators Lisa Murkowski and Dan Sullivan, Governor Mike Dunleavy, and Representative Nick Begich (all R-Alaska) today welcomed a comprehensive Executive Order (EO), signed by President Donald Trump, reversing a series of Biden administration policies and actions related to Alaska lands and resources, to unleash Alaska’s Natural Resources. President Trump ‘s EO takes steps to “…end the assault on Alaska’s sovereignty and its ability to responsibly develop [its] resources for the benefit of the Nation.”
Specifically, the EO supports efforts to further move ahead on the Alaska Liquefied Natural Gas (LNG) Project, addresses restrictions on resources within the National Petroleum Reserve of Alaska (NPR-A) and other parts of the state, protects Alaskans’ hunting and trapping rights on federal lands, restores unlawfully cancelled oil and gas leases in the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge (ANWR), advances the Ambler Access Project and the life-saving King Cove Road, and revokes the application of the 2001 Roadless Rule in Alaska.
“President Trump is picking up right where he left off, reversing years of damaging decisions and prioritizing Alaska’s unrivaled opportunities for responsible energy and mineral development,” Senator Murkowski said. “The policies laid out in this Executive Order will improve our economy, our budget, and our quality of life while simultaneously making energy more affordable and enhancing national security. Alaska is the blue chip in the United States’ energy portfolio, and I thank President Trump for helping us capitalize on our resources.”
“It is morning again in Alaska. With the stroke of a pen, President Trump has done more good for Alaskans than perhaps any president in our history,” said Sen. Sullivan. “For four years, our state suffered under an unrelenting assault from the Biden-Harris administration—70 executive orders and actions restricting Alaskans’ economic opportunities and lawful access to our lands. No state has endured this kind of sustained negative attention from a federal administration in recent memory. President Trump’s sweeping executive order, and the work we will do with his administration over the next four years, will put Alaskans back in the driver’s seat of our state’s destiny, advancing critical resource development projects and unleashing economic opportunities for the benefit of our hard-working families and the security of the entire nation. I want to thank President Trump for recognizing Alaska as the great strategic asset for our country that it is and for standing up for the rights and opportunities of all Alaskans.”
“Today, the failed policies of the Biden Administration are now but a page in the history books – one that will soon be forgotten. The golden age of America has begun,” said Rep. Begich. “On day one, President Trump showed the American people they have a leader in the White House who will usher in a new era of economic renewal and energy dominance with an executive order aimed at unleashing American energy. Under the leadership of President Donald J. Trump, Alaska will be empowered to fully harness its vast energy and mineral resources, spearhead economic renewal, and solidify our position as an energy powerhouse. I am proud to stand with the Trump Administration in this critical effort to build a stronger, more prosperous Alaska for generations to come. The pathway to American prosperity begins in Alaska, and it begins today.”