Alaska State Troopers responded to an assault in Tununak over the Easter weekend and arrested a man there on Assault charges for an incident on Saturday, they report. According to the report, on Saturday evening, tribal police informed AST that Ben Agimuk, while drinking, had assaulted a family member with a “dangerous instrument and […]
CORVALLIS, Ore. – If quitting smoking is one of your New Year’s resolutions, you might want to consider cutting back on your drinking, too. New research has found that heavy drinkers who are trying to stop smoking may find that reducing their alcohol use can also help them quit their daily smoking habit. Heavy drinkers’ […]
[dropcap]A[/dropcap] violent, alcohol-fueled incident in Nunapitchuk on Saturday night netted a 21-year-old man in that community seven criminal counts, troopers reported on Tuesday. After a report of a stabbing and strangulation in the small community of Nunapitchuk in southwest Alaska at 7:12 pm on Saturday evening, an investigation was opened on the incident. During the […]